Welcome to Chinnor Community Pool
The pool liner that has been in the pool for the last 14 years has sprung a leak and water is getting behind it and making it bulge away from the sides and floor, at the moment we can carry on as normal BUT it will get slowly worse and there will come a time when we will have to stop using it! To replace the liner it will cost in the region of £15,000!! We are obviously applying for grants but we have also set up a GO FUND ME page and any help from the community will be very gratefully received. The lead time for a company to come and replace it is at least 6 weeks as its their busiest time of the year! When we do replace it the pool will be closed for up to 2 weeks, we have 13 weeks left of our season! We may have shorten our season so we aren’t releasing our September lessons just yet until we know more.
We will keep going for as long as we can and if you have made any bookings for parties or lessons and we do have to close then you will of course be refunded. We hope to keep going for as long as we can but we wanted to make you aware sooner rather than later.
Thank you for your continuing support and understanding. https://gofund.me/c81cb3f3
Chinnor Community Swimming Pool is set in the grounds of St. Andrews School, Station Road, Chinnor. It is run entirely by a committee of volunteers and a dedicated group of volunteer lifesavers.
The pool is 15 metres long, 5 metres wide and 1 metre deep in the deepest end and is heated to 30 degrees.
In 2014 we were very proud to complete the retractable roof and new, multipurpose feet friendly flooring! A lot of work continues to go into updating and maintaining the pool in order to continue to welcome more users, this year we have been able to update our changing facilities.